Agility Classes
Start Date: Monday, January 13, 2025
Time: 6:00 - 6:45pm
Cost: $80 (TCKC Members $60)
6 Week Course
Instructor: Slim Barker
Intro to Agility I
Program Description:
Introduction to jumps, including the tire jump, tunnel and weave poles. Begin getting the dog accustomed to working on both the right and left sides of the handler.
Pre-requisite: Dog must know Basic Obedience, have solid sits, downs, stays and come, and be minimum 12 months of age. Final approval rests with the Instructor.
Start Date: Monday, January 13, 2025
Time: 7:00 - 7:45pm
Cost: $80 (TCKC Members $60)
6 Week Course
Instructor: Slim Barker
Intro to Agility II
Program Description:
Work with contacts and contact obstacles including the dog walk, teeter-totter and A-frame. Continue building on the other obstacles that you were exposed to in Level I, preparing for off leash work and improving dog/handler teamwork.
Pre-requisite: Introduction to Agility - Level I or Instructor Approval